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Meditation: Everyday Necessity For Students

Meditation is a word in every ear, every mouth these days. Do we understand its prominence? Despite it being ancient and ageless, there arises a mysterious question and some dubiety as to what it is? 

What is Meditation?

Meditation’s roots do not originate from a sole religion, but Hindu, Shinto, Dao, and later, Buddhism are responsible for its existence. Its practice has pervaded all through the years in almost all major world religions but recognized by different names. Meditation is a concept that deserves perpetuation. Apparently, if budding brains inculcate this habit of meditating, this won’t be beyond the bounce of possibilities anymore. Meditation turns to one’s advantage even in the most melancholic and disconcerting times. The practice of meditation has timeless benefits. Consequently, if given a space in ones’ daily schedule will work wonders.

Advantages Of Meditation In Student’s Life

The future of the globe is us, and more than us are the ones who are somewhere learning to speak, eat, walk, sit, write, and so on. Some little feet just began their schooling, with the hope to gain an understanding of every aspect of life. Some have already learned a few of them but did they learn how to relax among all the pressure? They are just a step away. How? Meditation is the answer. The only idea behind preaching meditation in them from the very beginning of their learning journey can help collectively for their future. Some studies advise meditation so that it can help minds relax, manage atrocious stress and even diminish dependence on medications. So some boarding schools in Dehradun advise and practicing meditation so that it can relax students’ minds and manage stress levels. Some countless perks of practicing meditation by students include a rise in IQ level, improved academic achievement, better focus power, control in anxiety or depression, end of hazardous addictions (alcohol, drugs, etc.), efficiently functioning cardiovascular system, and of course, a confident personality. 

Types Of Meditation

Having a meditation session once or twice a day has shown great unexpected results in students. It is a vital process of purifying and calming the whole nervous system, thus rejuvenating the body. There are seven to eight kinds of meditation: 

  • Transcendental Meditation

Discovered and endowed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The followers meditate 20 minutes twice a day. They do this to obtain alleviation from stress and anxiety and gain mental peace.

  • Zen Meditation

Zazen (seated) is a meditative practice. Practitioners observe mind and breath, and it emphasizes body posture.

  • Primordial Sound Meditation

In PSM, one does not require to quiet one’s mind. Use of sound or vibration mantra is prominent to enter a deeper level of awareness.

  • Vipassana Meditation

This is an ancient technique of meditation. It utilizes mindful breathing and body sensation consciousness to achieve perspicacity and wisdom.

  • Chakra Meditation

Various chakra points in the bodies are used by practitioners to heal analogous mental and physical suffering and disconsolate.

  • Metta Meditation

Practitioners use speaking of specific words or phrases, summoning passion and loving-kindness first to themselves and then to others.

  • Yoga Nidra Meditation

As the name suggests, practitioners reach a sentient state between waking and sleeping to invoke awareness of the world inside them. It’s a profound state of serene achieved without sleeping.

  • Kundalini Meditation

Practitioners sing mantras and breath in various patterns to quiet the brain cells. The universal objective of this meditation is the triggering of the kundalini (life force) state.

  • Tonglen Meditation

The purpose of Tonglen is to take distress in with the breath (recognition) and free sympathy and happiness with the out-breath. The Dalai Lama is said to practice Tonglen.


Importance Of Teaching Meditation In Schools

Regardless of so many simple ways to attain eternal bliss and a compassionate lifestyle, students are heading a directionless existence. In my viewpoint, meditation should be a mandatory class in schools and colleges. Just like every other subject, schools and colleges should appoint an efficient and skillful meditation trainer or, says, meditation teacher. Classes should be scheduled accordingly every day, maybe at the beginning of the day for some classes and in the evening for the rest. Other subject teachers should also attend the sessions whenever they find free time as calmness and patience is the only key to a successful and sacred job of teaching. 


Impacts Of Meditation In A Student’s Life

Now that we know what meditation is, how it is useful, how to practice, let’s ponder over some more aspects of it in a student’s life other than academics and curriculums. A child of primary and a child of secondary school will not have similar capabilities and abilities for sure, at both the phases of life, what can be learned in common can be controlling emotional and mental torments. Just for illustration, a child returns from school back home. No one has any idea how his day was. Maybe he scored just above average and got a scolding from the teacher. He might be frustrated because he studied really hard but did not score well, he’ll definitely try to prey on his homies to release the tension and aggression. Additionally, he is not aware of how to manage his emotions because he does not meditate. On the contrary, a child who is practicing meditation may react in a way better way. His thought process will be completely different. He’ll majorly focus on his performance and surely communicate in a positive manner, and will be more at ease. 


Lastly, meditation not only helps in the betterment of a student’s life academically but also advantages personally. Let’s join hands in hands to immortalize this golden path for the welfare of society and secure futures. 

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