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The Arts and Global Education: Fostering Creativity at Ecole Globale

Nestled in the scenic foothills of the Himalayas in Dehradun, Ecole Globale International Girls Boarding School stands as a pillar of academic excellence and holistic development.

This prestigious institution which is top among all boarding schools in Dehradun is not only dedicated to providing a robust educational framework but also places a significant emphasis on integrating the arts into its curriculum to foster arts and global education among its students.

This approach underpins the school’s commitment to nurturing well-rounded personalities prepared to thrive in a diverse and dynamic world.


Embracing the Arts in Education

Embracing the Arts in Education


The integration of the arts in education is fundamental at schools in Dehradun, recognizing that artistic engagement contributes significantly to the development of cognitive, emotional, and social capabilities.

It’s well-documented that students involved in the arts tend to perform better academically and develop higher self-esteem and better communication skills.

Multidisciplinary Learning:

At Ecole Globale, the arts are not taught in isolation but as part of a multidisciplinary approach that includes visual arts, performing arts, and literary arts. This integration allows students to make connections across subjects, enhancing their overall learning experience and fostering innovative thinking.

Skill Development:

Through regular classes and workshops, students refine various skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative abilities, all of which are enhanced by their engagement with different art forms.


Curriculum Integration of the Arts and Global Education

Curriculum Integration of the Arts


The curriculum at Ecole Globale is designed to weave artistic pursuits into everyday learning experiences, thereby promoting creativity alongside academic rigor.

Visual Arts:

Students explore drawing, painting, sculpture, and digital media, learning to express concepts and emotions visually. The visual arts program encourages personal expression and aesthetic appreciation.

Performing Arts:

Drama, dance, and music are vital components of the school’s arts curriculum. Participating in performances helps students build confidence and public speaking skills, and understand the value of teamwork and perseverance.

Literary Arts:

Creative writing workshops and literature classes foster a love for reading and writing. Students engage with various genres, enhancing their ability to express themselves through words.


Global Perspectives Through Art

Global Perspectives Through Art


Art serves as a global connector, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers. Ecole Globale leverages this power of art to cultivate a global perspective among its students.

Cultural Exchange Programs:

These programs provide students with firsthand exposure to different cultures, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of global diversity. Art-related exchanges allow them to share their own culture through creative expression and to learn from the artistic traditions of others.

World Art Studies:

The curriculum includes a comprehensive study of arts and global education forms, from classical European art to traditional Indian and contemporary African art. This broad exposure helps students appreciate the richness and diversity of artistic expression worldwide.

International Art Competitions:

Participating in global art competitions encourages students to set high standards for their work and gain recognition on an international platform. It also instills a sense of accomplishment and pride in their cultural heritage.


Creativity Beyond the Classroom

Creativity Beyond the Classroom


Ecole Globale believes that creativity should not be confined to the classroom. It provides numerous opportunities for students to explore and express their artistic talents in real-world contexts.

Art Clubs and Societies:

These platforms enable students to pursue arts and global education in a more casual and social setting, encouraging collaboration and peer learning. Clubs dedicated to photography, theatre, and traditional crafts allow students to delve deeper into their interests.

Art Workshops and Guest Lectures:

Regular sessions with established artists and experts from various arts industries provide valuable insights into professional practices and contemporary trends in art. These interactions inspire students and broaden their horizons.

Community Art Projects:

Students participate in projects that engage the local community, using art to raise awareness about important issues. These projects help students develop a sense of social responsibility and the ability to use art as a tool for social change.


The Impact of Artistic Endeavors

The benefits of integrating the arts into education are clearly visible in the personal and academic growth of students at Ecole Globale. Alumni of the school often pursue successful careers in the arts and other creative industries, equipped with the skills and sensibilities fostered through their education.



Ecole Globale’s approach to integrating the Arts and Global Education framework exemplifies its commitment to developing not just academically proficient, but also creatively and culturally enriched young women.

As the world continues to evolve, the ability to think creatively and appreciate diverse perspectives will be key to personal and professional success.

Ecole Globale remains dedicated to advancing these ideals, preparing its students to be confident, capable, and culturally competent leaders of tomorrow.

Through fostering an environment where creativity and global understanding flourish, Ecole Globale ensures that its students are well-prepared to contribute meaningfully to the world, armed with both knowledge and compassion.


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