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Assam Remians Without Internet Till Monday

Guwahati: In the wake of Assam protesting against the CAB internet services have been suspended in the state till December 16th 2019. This is to refrain from social media platforms to spread further distress in the state through ignorant sharing of information. Suspension of the internet has been stretched out for an additional 48 hours keeping in view the predominant peace, additional chief secretary (home and political division) Sanjay Krishna told PTI. 

The services have been suspended as “social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and YouTube, etc. are likely to be used for spreading of rumors and also for transmission of information like pictures, videos and texts that have the potential to inflame passions and does exacerbate the law and order situation”.

Internet services were suspended on Wednesday- 11th December 2019, at first for 24 hours only, in ten regions of the state, and afterwards, this has been stretched for additional 48 hours over the state. 

As the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) was cleared by Parliament, fierce fights and protests broke out in the state with instigators participating in pitched fights with the police, constraining the organization to force time limitation in a few spots. The legislation has put the Northeast on the boil as authorities dread that it might intensify the issue of illicit movement.

Assam is protesting against the passing of CAB as it fears that the immigrants- Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and other troubled minorities from Bangladesh, would swamp the state and take over the indigenous state’s culture and wipe it out from the history of the Indian country. Assam is protesting to protect themselves.

(news source- The Economic times)

This article is contributed by Ecole Globale International School.

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