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Board Exams 2024 Tips | Top Things Students Should Not Do After Exams

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Board Exams 2024 are tense experiences for millions of students in India. While the exams are significant, navigating the post-exam period with a healthy and productive mindset is equally important.

Here are some Board Exam Tips 2024 :

Main Highlights:

  • Stress Levels : According to a 2023 survey by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), 57% of students in India experience severe anxiety during exam periods.
  • Comparison Problem : A 2022 study by the University of Delhi found that 82% of students reported engaging in social comparison after exams, leading to decreased self-esteem and increased stress.
  • Post-Exam Blues : A 2024 report by the CBSE declared that 21% of students struggle with feelings of emptiness and lack of direction after exams due to the sudden decrease in pressure.

Things students should avoid doing after Board Exams 2024:

Things students should avoid doing after Board Exams 2024:

Relaxation and refreshment

  • Don’t rush into studying again: Take a break! Studies by the American Psychological Association show that relaxation techniques like meditation can reduce stress by up to 50%, improving reasonable function and mood.
  • Prioritize sleep: Catch up on missed sleep and understand the importance of sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep for teenagers, promoting physical and mental health.
  • Giving time to hobbies: A 2023 study by the University of Oxford found that engaging in enjoyable activities can boost happiness and reduce stress by up to 30%.

Avoiding Discussions (with Stats)

  • Limit post-exam discussions about problem: Focus on positive aspects and what you learned. A 2022 study by the University of California, Berkeley, showed that positive self-talk can increase academic performance by up to 15%.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others: Remember, everyone is unique. A 2024 study by Harvard University found that social comparison can lead to feelings of negativity and decreased motivation.

Not Comparing with Others 

  • Focus on your self strengths and weaknesses. Celebrate your efforts and hard work regardless of the outcomes. As mentioned earlier, social comparison can be detrimental to mental well-being.
  • Remember, success looks different for everyone. Don’t define yourself by exam results.

Overthinking and Stressing 

  • Don’t reside on the past: Excessive analysis won’t change the outcome. A 2023 study by the University of Cambridge suggests that mindfulness practices can reduce rumination and stress by up to 40%.
  • Seek support if needed: Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Stay Away from Last-Minute Studying

  • The exams are over: Focus on other activities. Research by the University of Michigan shows that overstudying can lead to burnout and decreased performance.
  • Pursue hobbies, read, or engage in physical activities: Recharge and de-stress. As mentioned earlier, engaging in enjoyable activities can boost happiness and well-being.



The post-exam period after board exams 2024 is an opportunity for self-care and growth. By avoiding negative habits and embracing healthy practices, students can set themselves up for success in the future. Always remember, your well-being is just as important as your academic performance.


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