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  • Post published:Jun 27, 2024
  • Post last modified:Jun 27, 2024

CBSE 2024 Career Workshops: Your Gateway to Future Success

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is gearing up for an incredible series of online workshops designed to guide students, parents, teachers, principals, and counselors towards making informed career choices. These workshops are not just about attending; they’re about actively shaping your future!


What’s Happening in Workshops? 

CBSE is hosting a series of virtual workshops throughout July 2024, aimed at empowering participants with valuable insights into career planning and decision-making. Each session is carefully tailored to cater to different roles within the school community, ensuring that everyone gets the guidance they need.


Who Can Join?

Principals: Dive into “Principal Pioneers: Charting New Territories in Career Counselling for Schools” on July 3, from 3 pm to 5 pm. Explore innovative strategies to enhance career guidance in schools.

Teachers: Join “Transformative Teaching: Integrating Career Education in Curricula” on July 10, 3-5 pm, and discover how to integrate career education seamlessly into classroom learning.

Counselors: Attend “Navigating Careers with Conscience: Rethinking Counselling in Schools” on July 18, 3-5 pm, and rethink traditional counseling methods to better support students in their career journeys.

Parents: Empower yourself with “The Power of Choice: Empowering Parents for Informed Career Decisions” on July 24, 3-5 pm. Learn how to guide your child effectively in making career decisions.

Students: Engage in “From Insight to Impact – Self-Reflection Strategies for Student Career Planning” on July 29, 3-5 pm, where you’ll discover techniques to reflect on your strengths and align them with future career opportunities.


Why Should You Attend? 

These workshops are more than just informational sessions; they are interactive opportunities to gain practical skills and insights that will benefit your career journey. By participating, you not only enhance your understanding of career pathways but also receive a participation certificate for your professional development.


How to Join? 

Participation is easy! Simply log into Webex at the scheduled time or catch the session later on CBSE’s official YouTube channel. Whether you attend live or watch the recordings, these  workshops promise to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed career decisions.

Don’t miss out on this chance to explore new possibilities, learn from experts, and take proactive steps towards your future success. Mark your calendars, spread the word, and get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and career exploration with CBSE’s 2024 Career Workshops!


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