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Four common misapprehensions about boarding schools in India

Many of us are familiar with the concept of boarding schools in India, its format, what it has to offer and not, but several misapprehensions made about it, stop several aspiring students to take admission in boarding schools. It is always better not to define a boarding school, but rather elucidate what it’s not.

The very first myth states that it is a very suffocating place and it also has a strict environment altogether disabling students from doing anything fun. Let me burst out the myth that boarding schools in India are actually fun. They provide a high frequency of freedom and students can actually voice their choices and opinions. You can stay with your group of friends in the same building. It is our friends and inmates, who help us cope with exam stress, because people who go through the same issues can only understand our situation, hence sharing space with them actually makes, boarding life much easier.

The second myth is probably the most common one. People tend to ask boarding students, whether they have been found guilty of anything and as a result, they are being sent to boarding school. To be very honest with you, boarding schools aren’t prisons to lock your kids. Boarding schools are the best places in India to attain a quality education, and that is the reason students prefer the same. Being independent and responsible are few attributes, a boarding student will bear. Doing your own laundry, preparing meals, changing bed sheets, monthly savings etc. are few things that need to be done by the students, themselves from time to time. This will help your child to be ahead of many students till the time; she reaches university for higher studies.

The third myth is one of the most discussed ones. People assume that parents want to get rid of their responsibilities, so they choose to send their children to boarding schools. They do it purposely, to ensure that their children avail quality education that makes them a better human in future. Boarding school does not separate children from their parents, emotionally because video calls and messages are a few technical features that keep them connected to each other. The academic environment in boarding schools of India is intense enough to make your child study and strive for good grades. Seeing other writing essays read inspirational poems and prose, participating in elocution, sports actually motivates you to be a meritorious student.

The fourth myth is, boarding schools are religious and racist in some places. Bursting out the myth here, boarding schools are socially and culturally very rich, comprising of students from across the nation. A huge cultural exchange is what makes, boarding life interesting for students. You will be able to expand your horizons and mix with various people which will prepare you for a diverse future ahead.


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