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How To Motivate Students To Study During Coronavirus Outbreak

As coronavirus or COVID-19 spreading widely, all the schools are closed not only in India but across the globe. Some schools postpone or cancel their exams because of this virus. Coronavirus affects the studies of students. Many students feel low and demoralized because of the loss in studies, but some students just sitting at home and do other stuff instead of studies. So in this situation, we have to motivate students to study at home and shift to online learning because this is only the way to study in the coronavirus isolation period.

Here Are Some Points About How To Motivate Students To Study During The Coronavirus Outbreak:

1. Develop Structure And Routines For Students

In coronavirus, the isolation period develops structure and routine for students. The structures and routines play an essential role in motivating students. In this free time, students also have to give some time for their studies along with other activities. Make the study time as easy as possible for students by offering them everything they needed for the study.

2. Create An Environment of Study

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, students sitting at their homes, so now their parents have to motivate them to study. In this coronavirus outbreak, all the schools in India are closed, and students have a lot of time to study at their homes, so it is important to utilize their time instead of wasting it. Help you children to study hard at home, don’t pressurize them but motivate them to study at least 2 or 3 hours a day.

3. Assign Some Study Work To Students

In order to motivate students, it is important to assign some work to students. You can give some reading work to them, which helps them to improve their vocabulary and communication skills, ask them to review the notes, give some mathematics and other subjects questions to practice and many more.

4. Find Out What’s Stopping Your Child

There are the number of reasons for un-motivation in this coronavirus outbreak. Find out the problem and help the students to overcome the barriers that are coming in between the studies of your children. Some reasons for lack of motivation in this coronavirus outbreak are fear of this menacing virus, low-self confidence, anxiety, etc.

5. Relive The Stress

If the students feel stressed in this coronavirus isolation period, they might find it difficult to study. In this situation, students need the motivation to relieve stress. Spend some time with students and encouraging them to study. In the coronavirus outbreak, it is not safe to go outside for a walk to relieve stress. So by listening to music, coloring at home, students can relive their stress.

6. Encourage Students To Set Small Goals

When the students are at home in the coronavirus isolation period, encourage them to set achievable and small study goals. If students set small goals, it will help to clear the directions and boosts their confidence. This will motivate students to study even in this coronavirus outbreak.

7. Give Little Study Breaks To Students

It is important to give little study breaks to students to refresh their minds. Students must need breaks during their studies because the brain loses focus without the breaks. Splitting study time into achievable chunks is essential for keeping the student’s mind engaged, fresh, and motivated. So make sure to give proper study breaks to students during their study session.

8. Create A Reward System

To motivate the students to study during coronavirus outbreak, build a reward system that can help them to study better. It is the key to keeping them motivated when studying. If you can build a reward system for students, then they will complete their study work quickly. The rewards can be watching TV, playing games, or some delicious food, etc.

9. Try Different Techniques of Study

Each and every student has their own way of studying. The students get irritated when they are studying with the method that doesn’t match with their studying style, and the study become difficult for them. The students are already afraid of the coronavirus outbreak and stressed, so in this situation; it is important for students to try the different techniques of study which they will enjoy.

10. Support students

It is one of the important ways to motivate the students for better studies, even in the coronavirus outbreak. This will only happen when we keep open communication with students and provide them support when they need it.


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