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Is citizen amendment act violation of fundamental rights

An Indian citizen means that an individual is of the Indian origin based on birth, descent, registered identities and naturalization as per the Citizenship Act of 1955 that draws legitimacy from Part-II of the Constitution- Articles 5-9. The Citizenship Act has been revised multiple times previously (1986, 1992, 2003, 2005 and 2015) – by both the congress and the BJP government. Yet another amendment to the Citizenship Act has now been raised by the Narendra Modi government is already into discussions.


  • Under the current citizenship laws, and illicit migrant isn’t qualified to apply for citizenship – he/she cannot become an Indian resident through enlistment or naturalization. The Foreigners Act and the Passport Act suspend such an individual and accommodate placing an illicit transient into prison or extradition. 
  • An individual can turn into an Indian resident through enlistment in the event that he/she has normally lived in the nation for six of the most recent eight years in India and ceaselessly for a year before presenting an application for citizenship. 
  • On account of getting citizenship through naturalization, the individual ought to be living in India for a long time, 12 years of which ought to have been his/her aggregate stay in the nation. 


  • The Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019 aims to make changes in the Citizenship Act, the Passport Act, and the Foreigners Act if the illicit transients have a place with strict minority networks from our three neighboring nations- Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan. 
  • The Citizenship Amendment Bill, if passed, will kill the arrangements that call for imprisoning illicit migrants given that they are Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis or Christians from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan – all three countries with a Muslim majority population. 
  • The Citizenship Amendment Bill will give the illicit non-Muslims migrants the status of lawful transients in spite of them having come to India without substantial archives and authorization. 
  • Nonetheless, this arrangement is applied if these individuals left their own nation following strict oppression. 
  • Another key change that the Citizenship Amendment Bill looks to make is to lessen the time of stay (for illicit non-Muslim foreigners from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan) from 14 years to six years. 


The Opposition parties and numerous other social equality activists are challenging this amendment bill on the grounds that it victimizes Muslims. They state that such segregation is illegal under Article 14- one of the foundations of the Indian Constitution. It expresses, “The State will not deny to any individual equality under the watchful eye of the law or the equivalent insurance of the laws inside the domain of India.” Correspondence under the steady eyes of law implies the State will treat each class of people equally without segregation. These two major rights are not preserved only to the residents of India but rather to “any individual”. In this background, the Opposition groups and activists have blamed the BJP for motioning out the Muslims to facilitate its personal agendas. 


“The transients or exiles from these nations might be of any religion. When they come to India implies barring Muslim exiles from the advantage of CAB 2019 would by all means damage Article 14,” Atul Kumar, a Supreme Court advocate. “Article 14 isn’t bound to the residents. It gives advantages of equality to any individual inside the domain of India even to an outsider,” he said including, “The Bill needs to make a class of evacuees. So as to finish the assessment of admissible arrangement, two conditions must be fulfilled:

  1. The order must be established on a comprehensible differentia which recognizes individual
  2. The differentia must have a direct nexus to the article looked to be accomplished by the rule being referred to.


Kumar further stated, “The usage of law would have more extensive repercussions, and it would be extremely hard to actualize as anyone who has been here for a long time may guarantee for citizenship by changing his name.” The administration has, in any case, kept up that the Citizenship Amendment Bill is planned for tending to the human privileges having a place with minority networks who confronted abuse for their conviction and strict practices. 

Home Minister- Amit Shah has made strong contention on numerous events in his meetings saying India can’t close its ways to individuals who have been oppressed by other countries. He guarded avoidance of Muslim migrants against Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan saying Muslims are not liable to confront strict mistreatment in a nation where they are in dominance.


Article source:

Why Citizenship Amendment Bill needs to pass Article 14 test

This article is contributed by Ecole Globale International School.


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