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How To Teach Your Kid About Hygiene

Importance Of Hygiene

“Our body is a pilgrimage that must be respected and dignified with purity.”

Every living individual needs to maintain the health and hygiene of their body. Not just humans but also animals keep their living area neat and clean and tidy and take proper care of their bodies. Hygiene is a habit of cleanliness that can be personal hygiene and surrounding hygiene. The habits of personal hygiene include proper care and cleanliness of the individual’s body, whereas hygiene of the surrounding includes taking care of the surrounding. In both cases, one tries to keep away the infections and diseases far away. Habits of personal hygiene are as follows regular brushing teeth twice a day, taking a bath daily, wearing tidy clothes, dressing your hairs daily, intake balanced diet, keeping your surroundings clean, not littering wrappers and filth onto roads, washing hands properly before and after meals, washing your face, cleaning your feet after you reach home from outside, and maintaining the hygiene of the pubic regions.


Hygiene is not just a habit; it is a lifestyle that leads you to a happy, healthy, and peaceful life. The mess littered around you makes you irritated and blocks your skills. The filth even gives rise to several unwanted bacteria and fungi that can degrade your health. Diseases like dengue, malaria, skin infection, skin allergies, a stomach infection, HIV, epiphora, flu, tooth cavity, etc., are all caused due to a lack of hygienic habits in an individual. Hygiene helps one feel safe and good about self. A hygienic person also leads a happy and enjoyable social life because everyone feels good around hygienic people and wants to stay around them. Your body your personality look good and representable if you are hygienic, and it is reflected in your behavior and thought process. If one smells good, looks good, keeps surroundings neat and tidy, the individual not just keeps himself safe but also people in the surroundings safe. Your active step towards hygiene motivates others to follow the same. With such a chain, you can light a good chance.


Why Must Children Be Taught About Hygiene?

The training and teachings of hygiene should be given to the children right from the beginning since the lifetime long-lasting habits are developed during extreme childhood.


Tips For Inculcating Good Hygiene Habits In Children

  • A lot of parents try to scare children about the consequences that might occur if the children do not follow the hygiene habits, and it works most often. Fear helps us and protects us from the wrong or the evil, but too much fear reverts the goodness, and the child tries to be rebellious. So make sure you nurture the right amount of fear.


  • Telling stories of any fictitious character or any favorite character of children about hygiene also works. Children imitate their favorite characters a lot. Therefore inspiring them to follow the hygiene protocol can be achieved by telling them stories, how their favorite characters practice hygiene on a daily basis.


  • Even there are a lot of commercials that are made especially for children to teach the importance of hygiene, show them those public commercials and aware your children about hygiene.


  • It is also noticed that children learn from their surroundings, which means to make your child follow hygiene, you must also follow hygiene. Being an adult, you know how hygiene matters and why it is so essential, so now you just have to follow the rules of hygiene precisely in your everyday life, and your child will eventually follow you as same.


  • There are made several picture books of children that teach about habits and hygiene, buy them, read them to them and teach them through.


  • Hygiene is a part of the academic curriculum of the young children who have just initiated with the school. There teachers and books teach them how to distinguish between good habits and bad habits. They are taught the value of hygiene and how it can be achieved. Along with the alphabet, they learn hygiene habits at their fingertips.


  • Never ignore your child’s questions. Try to explain and acknowledge them the most that you can. Their queries can irritate you but will construct a strong foundation of their morals and habits, which are reflected over time. They are small and new to this world. They require time to become a part of this society, and answering their small-big queries will help them understand society and surroundings better.


Make sure that you never point a finger over a bad example to teach your child good. Deep inside, somewhere, it will rot your good moral harvest. Teach them right in the right manner. Pointing to inferiors or roadside beggars and telling your child that you will be like them if you do not follow hygiene is wrong. It is not their choice to be a beggar or a janitor; it is their circumstances that have made them do such a job. While doing wrong to someone, you should not expect good for yourself.


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