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Tips for parents of boarding school students

Boarding schools, with their rich traditions and rigorous academic environments, often present a unique experience for both students and their parents.

The decision to send a child to boarding school is a significant one, marked by a willingness to invest in their education and personal development.

The role of parents in boarding schools is very crucial, exploring the challenges they may face and the vital part they play in their child’s journey.


Tips for parents of boarding school students

Tips for parents of boarding school students

Parents of boarding school students are integral partners in their children’s education. While physical distance may separate them, the importance of maintaining open communication cannot be overstated.

Regular updates from the school and  Tips for parents of boarding school students and, participation in parent-teacher conferences, and engaging in discussions about academic progress foster a collaborative approach to a child’s learning.

Being away from home can be emotionally challenging for students. Parents play a crucial role in providing emotional support from a distance.

Regular phone calls, video chats, and visits are essential for maintaining a strong parent-child bond. The ability to navigate the emotional ups and downs of adolescence requires a consistent and reassuring presence from parents.


While physical presence is limited, parents are encouraged to participate actively in the life of the boarding school. Attending school events, volunteering, and contributing to parent associations not only keep parents connected but also provide them with insights into the unique experiences and challenges their children may face.

Boarding schools are designed to foster independence and self-reliance in students. Parents must strike a delicate balance between providing guidance and allowing their children to develop autonomy. Recognizing when to step in and when to let go is a skill that parents of boarding school students often master, contributing to their child’s personal growth.


Homesickness is a common challenge for students in boarding schools. Parents play a pivotal role in helping their children navigate this emotional terrain. Regular communication, sending care packages, and offering reassurance about the temporary nature of homesickness are vital strategies for parents to employ.

Boarding school parents often form a tight-knit community themselves. Sharing experiences, advice, and support with other parents can enhance the sense of belonging for both parents and students. Building connections with other families can create a supportive network that extends beyond the confines of the school.


Parents of boarding school students are essential stakeholders in their children’s educational journey.

The challenges of distance and separation can be overcome through active involvement, emotional support, and a commitment to fostering independence.

By embracing their roles as partners in education, parents contribute significantly to the holistic development of their children in the unique and enriching environment of a boarding school.

Sending your child to a boarding school is a significant decision that comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. As parents, your role doesn’t diminish; rather, it evolves. Here are some tips to help you navigate this exciting yet demanding journey.

Open Communication Channels

Tips for parents of boarding school students: Open Communication Channels

 The tips for parents of boarding school students is maintaining open lines of communication with your child is crucial. Schedule regular phone calls, video chats, or visits.

Listen actively to their experiences, concerns, and triumphs. This not only strengthens your relationship but also helps you stay informed about their emotional and academic well-being.

Foster Independence

Tips for parents of boarding school students: Foster Independence

 The tips for parents of boarding school students is encourage your child to take responsibility for their daily routines and decision-making. Boarding schools provide an excellent environment for personal growth. By fostering independence, you empower your child to become self-reliant and resilient, skills that will serve them well in adulthood.


Supportive, Not Overbearing

Tips for parents of boarding school students: Supportive, Not Overbearing

Balancing involvement with giving your child space is a delicate act. While it’s important to be supportive, avoid being overly intrusive. Allow your child to form relationships and navigate challenges independently. This fosters a sense of autonomy and self-confidence.


Understand the School Culture

Tips for parents of boarding school students: Understand the School Culture

 The tips for parents of boarding school students is take the time to understand the culture and values of the boarding school. Attend parent-teacher conferences, engage with school newsletters, and participate in school events. This not only demonstrates your commitment but also helps you support your child’s experiences more effectively.

Be Proactive About Academic Progress

Tips for parents of boarding school students: Be Proactive About Academic Progress

 The tips for parents of boarding school students is Stay informed about your child’s academic progress. Regularly communicate with teachers, review report cards, and be aware of any challenges your child may be facing. Proactive involvement ensures that you can address concerns promptly and provide necessary support.

Embrace Technology

Tips for parents of boarding school students: Embrace Technology

Utilize technology to stay connected. Many boarding schools have online portals where parents can access academic records, event calendars, and communicate with teachers. Embracing these tools can enhance your understanding of your child’s academic and social life.

Create a Support Network

Tips for parents of boarding school students: Create a Support Network

Building relationships with other parents can be immensely beneficial. Share experiences, seek advice, and offer support to one another. Knowing that you’re not alone in this journey can alleviate any feelings of isolation and provide a network of support.

Prepare for Homesickness

Tips for parents of boarding school students: Prepare for Homesickness

Homesickness is a common challenge for boarding school students. Be prepared for moments when your child may feel nostalgic or lonely. Reassure them of your love and support while encouraging them to engage in school activities and build connections.

Visit Regularly

Tips for parents of boarding school students: Visit Regularly

Whenever possible, plan visits to the boarding school. This not only allows you to witness your child’s environment but also reinforces the sense of connection between home and school. Attend school events, performances, and sports competitions to stay involved in their life.

Celebrate Achievements, Big and Small

Tips for parents of boarding school students: Celebrate Achievements, Big and Small

Celebrate your child’s achievements, whether it’s acing an exam, making new friends, or participating in extracurricular activities. Recognizing their efforts fosters a positive attitude towards their academic and personal development.

Many Indian boarding schools actively seek parental feedback and suggestions. Parents can expect to have a voice in shaping the school’s policies, curriculum, and overall improvement.

This collaborative approach enhances the educational experience for both students and parents and some tips for parents of boarding school students are provided .


Ecole Globale School is an exclusive girls’ international boarding school in Dehradun, India, and was recently ranked number six in India in peer and parent surveys (*Education World 2013).

Navigating the boarding school journey requires a delicate balance of involvement, trust, and support and  carefully go through Tips for parents of boarding school students.

By actively engaging with your child’s experiences, fostering independence, and building a strong support network, you contribute significantly to their growth and success.

Remember, you’re not just sending them to a school; you’re partnering with the school in shaping their future.


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