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  • Post last modified:Feb 2, 2021

Ways to discipline an aggressive child

Every person has a tendency to react aggressively in certain situations of life. Anger is the most basic human behaviour. Violence is caused due to irritation, discomfort, helplessness, fear etc. Everyone loses their temper when things go wrong. Aggressive behaviour should be avoided at all costs because it leads to several adverse effects. Here are a few consequences of anger:-

  • Violence and fights.
  • Inappropriate, rushed and baseless decisions.
  • Self-harm and injuries.
  • Atrocious behavior and depressed life.
  • Loss of property and even life in extreme cases.

Anger has never led to any good outcomes ever. All the wars, crimes, violence etc. occur as a consequence of anger. People who lose their temper quickly also suffer from several health issues. They also encounter difficulties in establishing relations and interacting with other people. Therefore, keeping anger and aggressiveness at bay and developing a more calm and serene personality is an essential aspect that a human should learn from a very young age.

While adults are more experienced at handling the temperament issue, a child does not know how to act many times. A kid may lose their temper and display anger when their wishes are not fulfilled. Children tend to throw a fit to make their parents obey their orders. It is a natural phenomenon which can turn worse in the long run.

A parent must help their child to maintain these anger issues. Here are a few ways by which parent can curb their child’s aggressiveness:-


If a child shows signs of aggressive behaviour to get their wish fulfilled, parents need to take a severe step. Please do not succumb to a child’s unnecessary demands as this practice may spoil them. However big tantrums they throw, parents should stand a firm ground and set the rules. When a kid hits, kicks abuses or shows any violent behaviour, they should be reprimanded in a sternly. If you give in to your child’s demands today, they will adopt similar tactics towards everybody. Not everyone will put up with such behaviour, and the situation may go out of hand. Such kids also tend to show aggressive behaviour as they grow up and may become violent. Parents need to understand the importance of setting the limits. A child may cry and suffer a little, but in the long run, they will get a valuable lesson.


If your child knows the reasoning behind any instructions that are given to them, they will follow them more heartily. Therefore, educate your kids about the ill-effects and atrocities of showing anger. A child who is in a growing phase is more open towards discussions. They are curious but more accepting and hence the best time for entrenching some critical values in a child is at a younger age.


Many parents tend to lose their temper when dealing with a persistent and angry child. This is where a parent loses a battle. The best way to deal with an angry person is by remaining calm at all times. The patient is the most significant virtue of a successful parent. If a child is upset and aggressive, parents need to deal with the situation in the calmest way possible. So not replicate the anger, instead act neutral. Talk to your kids patiently and try to understand their troubles. If they are demanding something useless, give them the correct reasonings as to why they will not need such things. A child understands and behaves better under the influence of a loving environment.


Many times parents resort to unfair methods to teach their children. Such purposes do more harm than good as now a fear gets instilled in the children. They might not show or share their emotions with their parents and may even feel disconnected in extreme situations. Such bottled up emotions may re-surface under pressurized circumstances when a person may completely lose their control. Hence, parents are required to establish a very trusting relationship with their kids that is not full of threats.


Ensure your child that id any situation goes wrong; you will always support them. Anger spurts when a person feels helpless in a majority of scenarios. Keep a constant eye on your child and provide them with comforts and assurance whenever needed. Teach them to refocus their mind on other activities. They can divert their attention through painting, dancing, music, sports etc. This method will also be beneficial in the long run.

While anger can be unavoidable in certain situations, it can be managed through dedication and patience. Children always imitate their parents; therefore, parents need to work on themselves before teaching their children. No one would take the advice of a bankrupt in making their investments. Similarly, effective parenting can only be implemented through practical lifestyle adaptations.

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