A three day long workshop on Pathways to Global Classrooms for Educators was conducted in school by AFS India wherein the trainer conducted various sessions with teachers to educate them about intercultural learning skills, which aim to provide secondary school teachers and educators with new methods and tools to promote intercultural dialogue in their classroom. With this AFS and member schools aim to achieve the UN SDG 4 i.e. Quality Education. The trainer Ms. Vibhooti stressed upon topics like Globally competent teaching, Experiential Learning cycle, Stereotypes, generalisations etc. The teachers actively participated and thoroughly enjoyed the activities that were conducted during the sessions. They also learnt briefly about the popular Italian gestures and tried their hands on some artistic work like drawing the portrait of an educator.
The AFS workshop for students helped them understand the challenges and benefits of Intercultural exchanges. The skills to acquire adaptability and ways to maximize the benefits of such an experience were elucidated. They learnt about the sustainable development goals, the concepts of Identity flower and many more concepts.