Four members of our school’s Student Council—UrviPansari, Phoebe Rohluzali, Veda Mandaliya, and Avni Bhardwaj—along with BSAI Coordinator Ms AfifaHawawala participated in the Boarding School Association of India (BSAI) Leadership Program hosted by The Doon School. The Program which was held on the 6th and 7th of May was represented by over 20 schools from across the country. During the program, the girls delved into the fundamentals of leadership through a series of sessions led by school heads.
The speakers provided valuable insights into the qualities of an exemplary leader, covering various aspects such as different leadership styles, essential leadership traits, and the responsibilities associated with leadership roles. Topics such as empathy, collaboration, teamwork, and vulnerability were explored, all of which are crucial for effective leadership.
The sessions were highly interactive, fostering engaging discussions, games, and group activities. Through these activities, the participants gained a deeper understanding of the importance of teamwork, cohesion, and socialization in effective leadership.
Overall, the program proved instrumental in boosting the girls’ confidence and refining their leadership skills, equipping them with the tools and knowledge needed to lead their school effectively.