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    Ecole Globale Accolades

    award for best girls boarding school
    placements by Ecole Globale
    Assosiates of Ecole Globale

    Freshers Evening

    On April 22nd, the Ecole family was wowed by new members with a dazzling showcase of talent at the Freshers’ evening. From captivating dance routines to heartfelt singing, witty stand-up comedy, and engaging literary performances, the newcomers impressed and charmed everyone in attendance. Principal Ms. Khandke expressed delight at the abundance of talent displayed by the new members, recognizing their potential to excel. The event underscored the vibrant and diverse skills present within the Ecole community, hinting at the promising future ahead. Anticipation lingers for the newbies to continue flourishing and achieving great success in their endeavors, enriching the school’s cultural and academic landscape.