The ground of Ecole was splattered with the hues of green, blue, pink and yellow on the 25th of March. For the Ecoliers every shade marked a new chapter of friendship, personal growth and the starting of a new semester. The girls were excited, perhaps a bit too much while issuing dry colours from the counter that day. Throwing fistfuls at each other followed soon thereafter.
The spectators enjoyed the sudden flash mob, dances that students had practised day and night to perfect and synchronize.T he girls were so lost in the rhythm of music that they forgot to take their positions for the flash mob. Tug of war added more sparkle to the spirit of fun. Everyone loved the grand display of enjoyment and of course this would not have been possible without the help of Deepansha Ma’am and her enthusiasm for every event of Ecole (literally every event).After the excitement had subsided 250 aching stomachs gathered around the food counters where they gobbled up “gujias”, some even licking their plates clean, name shall not be mentioned (12th humanities pop off).
It was a memorable celebration with the outgoing 12thies taking time off from their exam preparation to join in the festivities.